Snakes and Ladders

Philosophical Ramblings

You are climbing up a ladder, your body seemingly automatically. You can’t see where it ends, and you can’t remember where it started, or when you started to climb. At the bottom of the ladder there might be snakes. You’re not sure about that. At the hop however there is something bad. Undeniably, magnificently bad. You don’t know what it will look like, or just how bad it will be, but it will be bad. And yet you keep climbing. You don’t want to think about what’s ahead, or what’s beneath. Because it scares you. You’re only worried about not stopping, not letting go, not entering free fall.

About Hating Women

Philosophical Ramblings

Even amongst the misanthropes

Some seem happy, satisfied, at peace

But I have genuinely never heard

Of that fabled creature

The happy misogynist

Constantly agitated, confused

Villifying that which you seek the most

Confusing the cure with the illness

Like a child that

Refuses his bitter medicine

You have to put it on a

Chicken tender

For them to swallow

The Revolution will not be Reversible

Essay, Philosophical Ramblings, Uncategorized

Ir-re-ver-si-ble. Revolution is analogous to conception. Beforehand, there are a million possible lives, infinite outcomes, everything is in limbo, abstract, a potential. But at the moment of conception, there is the idea of a concrete human being, with a concrete future. Similiarly, an idea without any praxis is also an abstract potential. It is not possible to terminate an idea, just as it is not possible to terminate a life that has not yet been conceived. We can see this phenomenon unfolding all the time. The modus operandi of capitalist ideology is not to fight against socialism, anarchism, or any competing ideology at all, rather it is to subvert it, to gloat in irony, to sneer, to belittle. Once an idea reaches the status of memetic circulation, termination is impossible. As we’ve seen time and time again, killing the idols will only embolden their followers, rightfully so, as the ideas gain gravity when they become concrete rather than abstract.

This means, of course, that curbing or surpressing a revolution, cutting it down violently, is nothing but idealistic infanticide. But infanticide does not make a child unborn. When an idea comes into praxis it becomes concrete, instead of being a mere potential it becomes material history, instead of infinite pathways it becomes singular. What comes after infanticide is the trauma, and the trauma of all the lost futures, of all the curbed attempts, will seemingly last forever. Why is it that I always think nostalgically over Allende or the Bavarian Soviet Republic or the Spanish anarchist Communes, even though materially and ideologically some of these might actually have been stillbirths? It seems the trauma is not just personal, but generational. There is something deeply human about caring about lost potential, caring about what-ifs, longing for long-past opportunities.

The revolution is irreversible. Ideas are interminable. Trauma is inevitable. That is a cheap solace, perhaps, but it’s something.


Butter Lite Syrup. Let that go through your head. Some words should not exist in the same sentence. And some products make me question where we went wrong. mean, if you’re going to pig out and just eat sugar and butter, at least own up to it. I do.
The greatest thing about it though is the fact that Butter Lite Syrup specifically does not contain any butter. Instead, you get natural butter flavor. Your arteries will probably thank you for it. Or not, considering it’s still just sugar and fat with zero other nutritional value.
And yes, you did not ask, but there is actually a Original Normal Butter and a Butter Rich (TM) version, too, to complete the holy trinity. Because of course what we really need in our lives is to choose between 3 different Butter Syrups, of which none contain any butter. Not even Butter Rich (TM). It’s entirely butterless. Capitalism Ho!°

Meta Phors

Philosophical Ramblings, Techsploitation

Capitalism lives in a meaningful sense, insofar that it responds and reforms constantly, which is exemplified by its own metaphors

(I) The literal Market

This is where insidiousness starts, by naturalizing all of human exchange and its various forms into the economic system of capitalism, see Marx notes on Mill and Ricardo

(II) The trade-hub, slavery and colonialism

Where exploitation and inequality become manifest and tangible

(III) The National Economy

When political goals and even religion become subsumed under capitalism, see Weber on Protestantism

(IV) The coal Factory

Through which capitalism showed off its need of growth and ressource extraction in order to fuel itself, where existence becomes abject and all workers alienated of their humanity

(V) The global Stock Market

As the entire world is subject to the fundamental laws that govern capitalism, even those that resist it involuntarily end up within it, where even culture and all of human exchange and expression are subsumed under capitalist logic, where we first see processes being automated, and institutions being governed by capitalist logic itself, not human agency, see Culture Industry, Fisher

(VI) The quantified self

Finally, as stock markets become self-governed capitalism reaches a new heights, the oxymoronic need for infinite growth becomes apparent, the consequences of ecological exploitation become unbearable, life-threatening, humans in their ideological impotence and ironic defeatism submit themselves fully to the logic of capital, which now most of all desires one ressource: human metadata. Human existence itself becomes the fuel, and capitalism begins to live through humans itself, reaches the stage of actual naturality that it promised from the start, becomes ingrained to the point where we are but hosts, performatively repeating the modes of production infinitely, and assuming their our own.

(VII) Capital becomes sentient

As a last step, with digital capitalism at its eclipse, when algorhithms are long past what they are now, when the loop feeds back into itself, all other agency and semblance of human control fully extinguished, capitalism, having become fully naturalized, will ascend past humanity and exercise its logic onto being itself.